DevOps Pulse 2020 Survey Results Reveal Huge Demand for Cloud Based DevOps Services
Log management and log analysis company’s recent DevOps Pulse 2020Survey reveals great insight into demand and usage of cloud-based DevOps services. The DevOps Pulse 2020 saw participation by over 1000 engineers and developers from across the world, 56% of whom confirmed they used cloud-based DevOps services for a majority of their projects.

Key Facts
The DevOps Pulse 2020 survey found an accelerated demand for cloud-native technologies during the coronavirus pandemic.
Adoption of cloud-based DevOps technology has increased by 33% in 2020.
42% of the survey respondents claimed that their companies store more than 75% of their projects on the cloud. This has been an 8% increase compared to cloud devops usage in 2019.
87% of the participants confirmed that their primary observability challenges are in the areas of serverless frameworks, microservices, and Kubernetes.
68% of the respondents confirmed that distributed tracing solutions are an integral part of their observability strategy, and the active adoption rate of distributed tracing solutions has increased from 19% to 26% in 2020.
Results indicate the absence of a unified approach to observability in most companies, with only 30% of the respondents having in place a robust production monitoring and analytics strategy.
Details has been organizing DevOps surveys annually since 2016, with a different focus each year on the various aspects, trends, and philosophies of devops. The focus of the DevOps Pulse 2020 survey was on the increasing rate of adoption of cloud-native technologies like Kubernetes, microservices, and serverless frameworks. The survey constituted 40 questions and also covered important issues regarding visibility into infrastructure performance, achieving observability, and production monitoring optimization.
The results of the survey indicated the growing opportunities for innovation in the niche because of the integration of open source into Cloud Native stacks. The respondents included a positive gender representation and included people from the US, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and APAC.
The DevOps Pulse 2020 survey also focused on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on day-to-day operations. Results indicate that cloud-based DevOps facilitated seamless transition into work-from-home opportunities, with 40% of respondents hiring qualified people from regions they had till then ignored.
As production environments become more distributed and ephemeral, it’s increasingly difficult for engineering teams to understand systems’ availability and performance. As we see in this report, despite the proliferation of monitoring tools, obtaining real-time visibility into production systems has never been more challengingAsaf YigalCo-Founder and VP of Product,
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