Publishing Guide

Publishing on The Chief I/O is similar to using Wordpress and most of the known CMSs.

Create an account

Start by creating an account.

All the details you enter in the signup form will be visible on your company page (e.g. Twitter, Medium..etc).

Make sure to choose a good username, since you are not able to change it later. Your company page will be located at<your-username>

Once you signup, you will be redirected tothe dashboard. You will also receive a confirmation email.

Start Publishing

Once your account is created, you will be able to start publishing your content. There are actually two types of contents you can create:

  • Blog posts
  • Whitepaper

When you publish a blog post, it should be first moderated by The Chief I/O team and then, and then it is published. You will receive an email notification when we publish your blog post.

You can contact us to remove this limitation and allow you to post without moderation.

Publish a blog post Publish a blog post

The Chief I/O uses a system of content blocks.

You have different content types:

  • Text
  • Image
  • Code
  • Table
  • Embeddable videos

Depending on the content you are publishing, you should create a different block each time. You can also use the up/down arrows at the top-right corner of each block to move and reorganize the order of these blocks.

Order blocks Order blocks

Promote your content

Using the "Promote" tab, you can improve your SEO and content visibility by changing or updating things like:

  • slug
  • page title
  • search description

These fields are optional. If you don't change them, they will be copied from the title and the TLDR fields.

However, we recommend updating these other fields:

  • Category
  • Tags (Max 5 tags)

You can also feature the blog post on your company page sidebar, by activating the "Featured" option.

Promote Promote

Adding new categories

On the "Promote" tab, you can update the categories of your blog post. There are enough categories that fit most of the DevOps and Cloud Native related topics.
If you want to create a new category, please get in touch.