Monitoring Kubernetes with Graphite

in Kubernetes , Monitoring and Observability

Monitoring Kubernetes with Graphite .png

In this article, we will be covering how to monitor Kubernetes using Graphite, and we’ll do the visualization with Grafana. The focus will be on monitoring and plotting essential metrics for monitoring Kubernetes clusters.

    We will download, implement and monitor with the custom dashboards for Kubernetes that can be downloaded from the Grafana dashboard resources. These monitoring dashboards have variables to allow drilling down into data at granular level.

    To follow along with this blog, sign up for the MetricFire free trial, where you can use Graphite and Grafana directly in our platform. MetricFire is a hosted Graphite, Grafana and Prometheus service, where we do the setup and management of these open-source tools so you don’t have to. 


    Introduction to Kubernetes

    According to Kubernetes, Kubernetes is a “portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. It has a large, rapidly growing ecosystem. Kubernetes services, support, and tools are widely available.”

    In today’s industry, monitoring Kubernetes deployments is a challenging but necessary activity. In this article, we are not going to cover Kubernetes basics, as we’ll jump more into how to use the dashboards. For a more detailed introduction to Kubernetes monitoring, refer to our Introduction to Monitoring Kubernetes on the MetricFire blog. 

    Introduction to Graphite

    Graphite is a very popular enterprise monitoring tool, and here at MetricFire we have a Hosted Graphite product that has been developing and improving since 2012. Graphite is a time-series monitoring tool that receives metrics data pushed to it by a collector such as StatsD or collectd, and then monitors the time-series metrics as specified by the user. If you’re interested to learn about the basics of Graphite, check out our articles on the Architecture and Concepts and the Installation and Setup of Graphite before reading this article. 

    Setting up Graphite, Grafana and Kubernetes

    For the purpose of this article, we will use a Kubernetes cluster deployed on AWS. Follow the instructions on the Amazon AWS EKS user guide to install AWS CLI, and make sure you also install the kubectl command line tool.

    Once the kubectl is installed, running the command “kubectl cluster-info” should give the following output:

    ~ ./kubectl cluster-info
    Kubernetes master is running at
    CoreDNS is running at

    Next, let’s set up Grafana on our kubernetes cluster. Here is the simple configuration file which will create a Grafana Pod and a Service running on Kubernetes:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
       app: grafana
     name: grafana
     replicas: 1
         app: grafana
           app: grafana
         - image: grafana/grafana:5.4.3
           name: grafana
           - containerPort: 3000
             name: http
             - name: grafana-storage
               mountPath: /var/lib/grafana
           - name: grafana-storage
               claimName: grafana-storage
           runAsNonRoot: true
           runAsUser: 65534
           fsGroup: 472
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    apiVersion: v1
     name: grafana-storage
       - ReadWriteOnce
         storage: 1Gi
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
     name: grafana
       app: grafana
     type: LoadBalancer
     - port: 3000
       protocol: TCP
       targetPort: 3000
       app: grafana

    Run, “kubectl create -f grafana-deployment.yml” to create Grafana Pod and Service.

    If we run the command “kubectl get service”, you should get an output similar to below:

    ➜  ~/github/k8-graphite-monitoring (master) kubectl get service
    NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                                PORT(S)                       AGE
    grafana      LoadBalancer   3000:31159/TCP                3d21h
    kubernetes   ClusterIP       <none>                                                                     443/TCP

    ➜ ~/github/k8-graphite-monitoring (master) kubectl get service NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE grafana LoadBalancer 3000:31159/TCP 3d21h kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
       app: graphite
     name: graphite
     replicas: 1
         app: graphite
           app: graphite
         - image: graphiteapp/graphite-statsd
           name: graphite
           - containerPort: 2003
             name: carbon-plain     
           - containerPort: 2004
             name: carbon-pkl   
           - containerPort: 2023
             name: carbon-ag-plain
           - containerPort: 2024
             name: carbon-ag-pkl   
           - containerPort: 8125
             name: statsd   
           - containerPort: 8126
             name: statsd-admin  
           - containerPort: 80
             name: http       
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
     name: graphite
       app: graphite
     type: LoadBalancer
     - port: 80
       protocol: TCP
       targetPort: 80
       name: http
     - port: 2003
       protocol: TCP
       targetPort: 2003
       name: carbon
       app: graphite

    Run, “kubectl create -f graphite-deployment.yml” to create this Pod and Service.

    At this point, both Grafana and Graphite, should be up and running. 

    Run, “kubectl get service” to make sure both the services are up and running.

    ➜  ~/github/k8-graphite-monitoring (master) kubectl get service
    NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                                PORT(S)                       AGE
    grafana      LoadBalancer   3000:31159/TCP                3d21h
    graphite     LoadBalancer    80:32198/TCP,2003:32041/TCP   104s
    kubernetes   ClusterIP       <none>                                                                     443/TCP                       3d22h

    Just like Grafana, we can enter in the browser to open the Graphite web application, as shown below:


    Now, we will add Graphite as the data source in Grafana. Browse to the data source section of Grafana and add Graphite as the data source, as shown below:

    Data source.png

    Now, we will run Snap Daemon in our Kubernetes cluster. Snap Daemon is the monitoring daemon which will pull various kubernetes monitoring metrics and push them into Graphite.

    Before we run the Snap Daemon, we need to make one small change inside snap_ds.yml. We will update the hostname and port of Graphite service in the config section as shown below:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: DaemonSet
     name: snap
         name: snap
         name: snap
           name: snap
         hostPID: true
         hostNetwork: true
         - name: snap
           image: raintank/snap_k8s:v4
             - mountPath: /sys/fs/cgroup
               name: cgroup
             - mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock
               name: docker-sock
             - mountPath: /var/lib/docker
               name: fs-stats
             - mountPath: /usr/local/bin/docker
               name: docker
             - mountPath: /proc_host
               name: proc
             - mountPath: /opt/snap/tasks
               name: snap-tasks
           - containerPort: 8181
             hostPort: 8181
             name: snap-api
           imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
             privileged: true
             - name: PROCFS_MOUNT
               value: /proc_host
           - name: dev
               path: /dev
           - name: cgroup
               path: /sys/fs/cgroup
           - name: docker-sock
               path: /var/run/docker.sock
           - name: fs-stats
               path: /var/lib/docker
           - name: docker
               path: /usr/bin/docker
           - name: proc
               path: /proc
           - name: snap-tasks
               name: snap-tasks
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
     name: snap-tasks
     core.json: |-
           "version": 1,
           "schedule": {
               "type": "simple",
               "interval": "10s"
           "workflow": {
               "collect": {
                   "metrics": {
                       "/intel/procfs/cpu/*": {},
                       "/intel/procfs/meminfo/*": {},
                       "/intel/procfs/iface/*": {},
                       "/intel/linux/iostat/*": {},
                       "/intel/procfs/load/*": {}
                   "config": {
                       "/intel/procfs": {
                           "proc_path": "/proc_host"
                   "process": null,
                   "publish": [
                           "plugin_name": "graphite",                   
                           "config": {
                               "prefix": ";%NODE%&gt;",
                               "server": "",
                               "port": 2003

    Run, “kubectl create -f snap_ds.yml” to create Snap Daemon and get it started. If we now run, “kubectl get pod”, we will see output similar to below:

    NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    grafana-6f64b8c7f6-tc7qn   1/1     Running   0          3d23h
    graphite-775d8b989-zwp9x   1/1     Running   0          65m
    snap-dblx2                 1/1     Running   0          56m
    snap-g5pzm                 1/1     Running   0          56m
    snap-jdqrg                 1/1     Running   0          56m

    We see one Pod for Grafana, one for Graphite and three for Snap. This is because we have 3 nodes in our Kubernetes cluster and Snap will run as a daemon on each of the nodes to pull its metrics and push it to Graphite.


    Plotting the monitoring visualization on Grafana

    Grafana comes with lots of pre-built dashboards that you can find on the Grafana dashboards resources site. We are going to utilize one of these dashboards for our Kubernetes monitoring: Kubernetes Container Stats

    On the Kubernetes Container Stats page, click the link “Download JSON” and import it into our Grafana portal. Make sure to choose the Graphite data source appropriately.


    As soon as the dashboard is imported, we should see the metrics being shown in our dashboard, similar to below:

    Grafana Dashboard.png
    Grafana Dashboard 2.png

    Similarly, there is another dashboard Kubernetes Node host metrics. When this is imported, it will show the metrics per host selected in the dashboard. 

    Grafana Dashboard 3.png

    You might want to set up alerts on these dashboards if the values in these dashboards exceed some critical threshold. Check out our article Grafana Dashboards from Basic to Advanced to learn how to set up Grafana alerts, and build custom dashboards.

    You can also create other types of visualizations based on the metrics exposed by Kubernetes. Have a look at the article Our Favorite Grafana Dashboards to create some of the more advanced dashboards.

    Setting up the Monitoring through MetricFire

    The setup which we have done above works for very basic Kubernetes infrastructure which would contain just a few nodes. In order to handle production level load, which would be a few hundred nodes and upwards of a few Mbps network traffic, you would need to scale out both Graphite and Grafana to handle the increasing load. 

    That’s where Hosted Graphite and Hosted Grafana comes into the picture. It allows you to scale for long-term storage, as well as automatically providing redundant storage of data. 

    Hosted Graphite and Hosted Grafana through MetricFire allows for the continuous active deployment of new features, as MetricFire’s products all have their foundations in the ever-growing open source projects. Sign up for the MetricFire free trial here, and start building Kubernetes dashboards within a few minutes.


    In this article, we have seen how to set up Kubernetes monitoring with Graphite. We have seen some advanced visualizations to monitor Kubernetes using Graphite and Grafana. 

    Sign up here for a free trial of our Hosted Graphite and Grafana offering. Also, if you have any questions about our products, or about how MetricFire can help your company, talk to us directly by booking a demo

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    MetricFire provides a complete infrastructure and application monitoring platform from a suite of open source monitoring tools. Depending on your setup, choose Hosted Prometheus or Graphite and view your metrics on beautiful Grafana dashboards in real-time.

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