The Chief I/O: October's Most-Read Stories
in DevOps , Programming , Cloud Computing , CyberSecurity

We've compiled this list of our most-read publications this month.
What you should know about serverless databases.
In this article, we explored the concept of serverless databases and how they work. One of the advantages of using serverless databases is their cost-effectiveness. But that's not the only advantage.
Serverless databases improve productivity and auto-scale operations, and they are also a better option when considering security in the cloud. We've explained the Pros and cons of using serverless databases as well as how to choose the best one for you.
Red Hat Ansible platform 1 vs. 2; what’s the difference?
Enterprises use the Red Ansible platform to manage, unify and execute infrastructure and configuration automation. They automate IT processes and help accelerate the process of creating and deploying IT infrastructure.
The Ansible 1 has been around for a minute and has helped enterprises with automation across their workflow. In this article, we discuss what new features have been improved in Ansible 2.
The Microsoft Azure Purview Is now available on general availability.
This is a news report detailing the Microsoft announcement on the release of their data governance tool Microsoft Azure purview on general availability (GA).
The organization has released this service to provide comprehensive data management and governance to enterprises on the Azure cloud. Customers no longer need to track data manually, using spreadsheets. Get insights into crucial facts like this tool's main features, pricing, and use cases in this news report.
Google introduces online training program to improve cloud skills.
Google Inc., on October 7, 2021, launched an online training program in a bid to grow the cloud workforce to augment the rapidly-increasing demand. The training aims to improve, enhance, and innovate the digital world in response to the large switch to digital the world experienced as a result of the pandemic.
This report compiles the key facts and explores the details regarding the training program.
200 Million certificates in 24 Hours
Let's Encrypt announces their plans to issue 200 hundred million certificates in 24 hours. The service providers have been providing certificate authority CA pro bono for users since inception.
They discuss the last incident of a root certificate expiration as the reason for this decision and the steps they took to ensure that the recall and reissue of certificates happen seamlessly.
GitHub is making protocol security changes for SSH users
In a bid to further improve user security. GitHub has decided to make changes to its security keys. The DSA keys would no longer receive support, and new host keys were offered instead.
The old keys have less resistance to attacks, and the rise attacks make them less favorable. Also, few users (0.3%) currently use them. They also released a table showing dates at which all necessary changes would be affected.
WhiteSource’s analysis to improve relations among developers and security teams.
WhiteSource conducted a survey among the developer and security teams at organizations. The survey highlighted the lack of unity among both teams and how that affects production and security. The 400% increase in cyber attacks is one of the reasons that the team at WhiteSource suggested that solutions be provided to developers and security relations.
Lack of basic secure knowledge and the slow adoption of app security tools were listed as major contributors to the divide. In this report, we have summaries of the key facts from this survey.
Different reactions from the cybersecurity community regarding the ransomware bill
The US government proposed a law addressing the activities of ransomware gangs and their victims. The senator who proposed the bill is saying that this bill would help security agencies apprehend the criminals.
The cybersecurity community, however, has different opinions as regards the bill. While some individuals are concerned with the impact of this bill on the victims' image, others are convinced it would help stop the stigma associated with being a victim of an attack.
Conti ransomware gangs increase attacks on international organizations
Ransomware attacks have been on the rise following the change in working conditions in many large and small enterprises. The Conti ransomware gang has used this opportunity to increase its activities.
An investigation between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) reported increased use of the Conti ransomware in over 400 attacks within the US and international organizations.
The Conti ransomware was observed to be a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) model as it was deployed by different affiliates of the Conti gang in various attacks.
What developers think about GitHub copilot
GitHub released its developer assistant tool in June 2021. The tool uses artificial intelligence to suggest and complete developers' code. The AI tool is powered by OpenAI's Codex and has been termed controversial.
However, we know that with concepts like writing codes, people are apprehensive about changes, especially ones they didn't see coming. However, in this article, we have compiled responses and reactions; we think you want to see; of developers to the new tool.
Why Is Golang widely used in the DevOps and Cloud-Native space?
DevOps and Cloud-Native spaces are technologies that are widely considered as improvements to the way software is built. The Golang programming language has been rising to popularity in the DevOps community in recent years.
We elaborate on why Golang is an excellent choice for developers when creating DevOps tools. We explore why Docker and Kubernetes are written in Golang and a short comparison between Golang and python.
An insight into how the Conti gang targets Microsoft Exchange servers.
Conti is a somewhat new ransomware syndicate appearing in May 2020; they are otherwise known by their alias, the Conti gang, and have claimed over 150 successful attacks, which amounts to millions of dollars in fees that have been extorted from victims.
We look at how attackers can use PowerShell to orchestrate attacks on vulnerable servers and the need for improved server security. A disgruntled employee leaks modus operandi for a highly successful ransomware syndicate.
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